Un plan para un futuro positivo
Sanando Nuestro Planeta
El Despertar del Sobreser
Nuestra naturaleza multi-dimensional en un mundo multi-dimensional
El Poder de la Compasión en la Transformación Personal
Las grandes pirámides del Mundo
Desarrollando Nuestro llamado superior y Propósito de Vida
Los Nombres Sagrados del Mas Alto son integrados aquí para prepararnos a pensar y trabajar en muchos niveles para así poder crear una unidad holística la cual alcanza desde lo Universal hasta las formas ondas del ADN dentro de nosotros. La mezcla de los Nombres con la música abre nuestra mente a visualizar un contorno cósmico y al pensamiento no-local. La música nos invita a estar en la compañía del Divino mientras que cantamos los Nombres con las ordenes angelicales de los Erelim, Querubines, Serafines, (Claves de Enoc®: Clave 303) y a sentir la alegría de estar en la orquestación y devoción la cual nos lleva a nuestra próxima etapa de nuestra ascensión espiritual.
J.J. Hurtak beautifully chants the Sacred Names in a rich and powerful voice that along with the other voices form a majestic angelic choir that is quite moving and is further enhanced, or should I say entranced, by Steven’s celestial keyboard arrangements. -Michael Diamond
View the four minute Sacred Names Sacred Codes music video:
In recent years the number of albums being released which center on devotional singing, chanting mantras, kirtan, etc. has been on the rise. This is a good indication that more and more spiritual seekers are looking to sound and music that goes beyond entertainment, and which can be used as a tool for inner attunement. “Sacred Name Sacred Codes” by Drs. J.J. Hurtak and Desiree Hurtak, which features a musical soundtrack well known new age music pioneer and sound healer Steven Halpern is a new entry into this genre, although based on very ancient teachings.
The album opens with a track called “Prologue,” set to Steven’s ethereal synthscape, along with soft female voices chanting the Divine Name of YHWH. This creates serene and sacred backdrop for an introduction and invocation, first by J.J. Hurtak and then by Desiree Hurtak speaking of the power of Sacred Language and its relationship to our Higher Self, the blueprint of our DNA, and more. Following this are 9 tracks of the Sacred Names chanted in Hebrew.
J.J. Hurtak beautifully chants the Sacred Names in a rich and powerful voice that along with the other voices form a majestic angelic choir that is quite moving and is further enhanced, or should I say entranced, by Steven’s celestial keyboard arrangements. Some tracks are more predominately female vocals, while some are more male focused, as well as those, which blend together like yin and yang. The album is beautifully recorded and produced, capturing the deeply spiritual intention of the project.
The CD comes with an informative 12-page booklet that delves into the science and metaphysics behind this music. I will say that this is not casual reading and can be quite deep in places. While “Sacred Name Sacred Codes” can be esoteric to some, for those who feel the calling and find resonance within, it is a profound and divinely inspired tool for spiritual transformation.
Read Michael Diamond’s full review at Music and Media Focus: Sacred Name Sacred Codes by Drs. J.J. Hurtak & Desiree Hurtak with Steven Halpern
La Conexión Maya: Lost Legacy of the Southeast
A New Historic Perspective
By Antara Brandner
History books record the life of the Mayans who built massive pyramids, waterways and cities and gave us mathematical ciphers of astronomy. This provocative documentary suggests, however, that the skillful boundaries of the Mayans also pushed deeply into North America where they led countless expeditions in trade and influenced the names of villages, sacred art, and even temple building. Social scientists, linguists and archaeologists, Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Dr. Desiree Hurtak, cultural historians Dr. Will Goins, Richard Thornton, and Mayan Elder Antonio Oxte provide persuasive insight of the times and images on the wider range of the Mayans who could be called “the frontier people” of a great civilization covering not only Central America but a large portion of what came to be the USA in North America!
DVD: Running Time 43:37 min.