Querido Lector,
Is there a Designing Intelligence of the Universe that could equate with the Mind of God and then reveal some of its hidden operations and mechanisms to the collective mind of humanity? Most modern scientists would answer that question with a simple no. They would say that there is no proof in nature that the universe is anything but a cold, unknowing place in which human beings are accidents of evolutionary particles. They claim that when we die, our consciousness disappears into oblivion, there is no higher consciousness, and the Divine is only a creation from the mind of Man out of his tremendous psychological need for life extension and wish for Immortality.
The landscape of humanity’s beginning 4.2 million years ago in Ethiopia, 7 million years ago in Chad, or millions of years ago on the grassy plains of China has yet to be thoroughly challenged. However, as scientists, engineers and students begin to see the interconnecting disciplines from physics to consciousness studies, they are gradually accepting the possibility of a greater Quantum Mind. As new thinkers and designers enter into cyberspace and beyond, they are contemplating how to explain codes upon codes and even define what is behind the 97% DNA junk. In so many of today’s respected sciences from the micro to the macro universe the orderliness of the Codes of Life is being revealed. Our research suggests a greater organizational structure latent within all unknown building materials as the molecular basis of life and memory.
The door to the future is being quickly opened and no longer will we resign ourselves to a blanket acceptance of a convenient scenario of singular human evolution taking millions of years and excluding quantum change. Nor is life, in a theological phrase of being a “reality invisible to the human eye” repeating itself blindly in the mind of believers. No longer can there be the exclusion of a planetary or cosmic mind, but the reality of one which awakens the wonders of the universe and makes the invisible become “visible”. We are reminded that to fashion the Emperor’s new invisible clothes, we must be both the weavers of the endless gold thread of consciousness, as well as the artful designers of life allowing us to sit in the Emperor’s chair in the redistribution of the hidden wealth of the Kingdom of Life.
As human beings, we have been given highly developed, extremely complex, and creative minds, which are capable of becoming modeled into things, which inwardly realize and outwardly display the life and fruits of the divine spirit in which we live and breathe and have our being. The implications of non-locality in thinking and communication reach deep beyond the “wet-ware” of the mind into that most intimate aspect of a cosmic vision that opens us to the Higher Evolution already in our presence as the gateway to the “invisible House of Many Mansions.
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.

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